Finding Strength and Hope Through Unexpected Storms
By Cindy Saab
SALEM, NEW HAMPSHIRE – Stress affects our bodies, our moods, and our behavior. According to the Mayo Clinic, common effects of stress include headaches, chest pain, sleep problems, lack of focus, anger, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, and social issues.*
And all those symptoms can be caused by the normal stressors of everyday life, like busy schedules, strained relationships, and challenges at work. So how can we face the greatest storms of life— addiction, death, infertility, divorce, bankruptcy, diagnosis, estrangement—with any hope of survival?
Author and Bible teacher Cindy Saab set out to answer that question in her new book Beyond: Finding Strength and Hope Through Unexpected Storms. She directs us to the only refuge in the storms of life—the God of hope. Encouragement comes from insightful Bible teaching, thought-provoking questions, and stories of others who have sailed rough waters. Brief daily lessons break down biblical concepts into easy-to-understand pieces, while journaling prompts create space to pour out a hurting heart to the Savior.
Having experienced her own life storms, Cindy was moved to help women who have recently experienced a crisis or who are stuck in their situation and don’t see any way out. “God is extending his hand of love to show them the way through their storm to a place of deep peace, joy, strength, and victory in Christ.”
With a solid foundation of Scripture, readers will learn how refuge, hope, trust, love, joy, and strength can be found even under the darkest clouds. Get ready to navigate through the storm to a place of thriving strength—a place beyond.
Cindy is an intentional CEO—a Connector and Encourager to Others. She loves to inspire, empower, equip and coach those traveling through unexpected storms and motivate them toward new seasons of life. Cindy is an award-winning Bible study author, a passionate communicator, and a strong biblical teacher who participates in Christian writing and speaking conferences and coordinates for a nationwide Christian outreach ministry. The mother of two adult children, she can often be found at the local coffee shop or the inspirational beach near her New Hampshire home.
Suggested Interview Questions:
- If it’s okay, could you tell us a little about your own storms? Did you immediately turn to God, or did you try to navigate on your own for a while?
- You teach Bible studies on this topic. At what point in your storm did you feel ready to start teaching others?
- Speak to the woman who has just been hit by a major storm and doesn’t feel ready to tackle a six-week Bible study. What would you tell her is the first step to moving through the storm?
- If the storm seems too big, like it will never end, what encouragement can you offer? How can readers know the storm will end?
- The book is called Beyond, and you talk about getting to a place beyond the storm. What can readers look forward to on the other side?
- You share a lot of stories in the book from other women who have faced major life storms. Can you share a story with us that inspired you?
- Of the women whose stories you share in the book, can you share where any are now and maybe how they have moved beyond their storm?